Last Minute NYC Marathon Tips!
Here are some last minute tips for avoiding anxiety, kicking ass & having some fun on Sunday!
Before the race:
Have a full weekend plan. Before heading into the weekend have a plan for all the things! Especially all the non-race essentials. Some items to include for sure: when you are going to the expo, what you’re doing & eating on Saturday, how you’re getting to/from expo, and time to set out all your race gear/essentials. If you’re traveling to NYC for the race and aren’t familiar with the city, this might be extra important to figure out in advance. It will reduce last minute nerves if you know you’ve already figured out all the non-race aspects to running the NYC Marathon. Do whatever you can in advance, so you can focus on the important stuff (RACE DAY!). If you have any questions— shoot me an email. I’m happy to share my thoughts and experiences.
My favorite Saturday activity for pre-marathoning is going to a matinee on Broadway. This is a great way to be OFF your legs for a few hours, and to take your mind off the race/calm nerves. You can get great last minute tickets on TodayTix app or at TKTS. Once the show lets out, you're set up for a nice early dinner and an early bedtime.
Plan your spectators. Know where your people will be, so YOU can look for them. They will NOT be able to find you- unless maybe if you're in a full T-rex costume or something equally absurd. Make sure they have the app downloaded to track you and know your estimated pace. Having folks shortly after the 5K markers is always helpful- as they can get an alert when you cross a 5K point and know that you'll be passing them soon. If you are open to taking calls throughout the race (and are using at least one headphone with a mic), let them know to call you but not to text you. You can much more easily pick up a quick call than dealing with reading/responding to a text.
And for race day- aside from all the race basics you'll hear from everyone else (nothing new on race day, eat breakfast, etc):
The journey to the start line can be quite arduous- sit whenever possible. If you're waiting for your ferry time, sit. If you're cramped in one of the busses from the ferry to the start, sit (I have sat on the floor of this bus... it won't kill you and you will not regret it). You might think, oh I'll only be here for a few minutes, standing is fine. No, you will be there for much MUCH longer than you anticipate, and your legs have bigger and better tasks for the day, let them rest whenever possible.
Once your corral starts moving towards the start- go to the bathroom one last time. Again, you won't regret it (but there is a much greater chance you will regret NOT doing this). You might be nervous once people start moving (who am I kidding- you WILL be nervous), but you won't miss your spot in your corral.
One headphone in, one out- this is my go-to for this race. There may be times when you want to hear and feel the energy of the crowd (BROOKLYN, for sure!!), it's true. But there might also be times when you want to zone the fuck out and not hear the drunk people partying on 1st avenue screaming your name obnoxiously. (okay, maybe that's just me).
Know exactly where your friends/family/spectators will be along the course. You need to spot them, there is little to no way they will be able to find you. Plan this in advance (see above)!
After the race:
If you are not getting a poncho, whether you have baggage or not- you're supposed to walk to the (much further exit). I have volunteered at the finish line multiple times, and will be there again this year (say HI if you see me). There is a short cut, that often NYPD and volunteers will let you take (after the ponchos exit, but before baggage starts). If you did not check a bag, you might get lucky if you ask to exit early. No guarantees, but it is worth asking if you don't need to pick up a bag. If you get stuck walking to the last exit, don't fret- walking is good for you and will likely make you less sore later on (#winning). Just make sure to eat something from your post race goodie bag.
Speaking of your post race goodie bag. If this year's is similar to the previous 5 years. There is a delicious (and very necessary) protein drink- that has multiple wrappers that need to be peeled off before consuming. It is literally the hardest to open protein drink I have ever seen. Please ask a volunteer to open it for you- we will.
Taking the subway or need to get down any other stairs- walk down backwards. It might look silly, but it will feel better. And you won’t be the only one doing it.
General rule for the day: any time you see a photographer (before, during, after the race) snap a photo. Even if you don't think you plan to buy the pictures after. Because if you do end up buying the photos... it's the same (exorbitant) price whether you have 4 pictures taken or 40. So, take 40!!!
Have a kick ass day Sunday! I’ll be at the finish line, and cannot wait to cheer and congratulate all of you.
If you have any questions before Sunday- as always, feel free to reach out- and I’m happy to share my thoughts and experiences, or help calm any nerves before the cannons go off and NEW YORK, NEW YORK plays on the loud speakers!