I have always liked a fresh start and goal setting~ whether it is the new year, or a birthday… I like taking time to reflect on the previous year, and think forward to set intentions for the year ahead. Sometimes I’ve made lists and then didn’t look at them- like ever. Years later, I’ve discovered that I somehow have achieved almost everything on the list. I think intentions can have secret magic powers (maybe). Speaking into the universe (or even just to yourself) your hopes and desires, and taking risks to make changes.
However, I know that New Years resolutions and goals are not everyone’s cup of tea.
I work with many people who have stopped making New Year’s Resolutions altogether, saying “I just don’t believe in them”. (And sometimes I can’t help but agree.) They have been set up in a system that just doesn’t work and a society that seems to push weightloss and diet plans as the only way to start the New Year.
I think that is all crap. What I don’t think is crap is the desire to make changes in your life and having the support and understanding to do so. I love goals, goal setting, and helping people not just identify things they’d like to be different in their lives, but to actually put those changes into action.