You have just been through some seriously hard shit*.
You are going through the motions, trudging through the stuckness of the aftermath…
You are keeping your head above water (if only barely), but don’t feel like you’re in the driver’s seat of your life.
You used to have your shit together and feel generally pretty good about your life, but now you mostly just feel confused and tired.
You want to get unstuck and are ready for change, but you’re not sure where to start…
You are not alone.
*and What exactly is HARD SHIT, YOU MAY ASK… Most commonly it is a sudden, unexpected & shocking experience or life change. Which sometimes might look like:
An unexpected loss- of a relationship, job or career, or of a beloved being in your world.
A shocking catastrophic event- house/apartment fire, natural disaster, or lingering impacts of a global pandemic.
A sudden life change- becoming a parent, life transitions, moving, etc.